Audio, Video, Recording, Production, Film, Studio, Entertainment, Project, Editing, Recording, Picture, Stage, Theater, Multi-Media, Media, Money, Project, Song, Lighting, Buy, Post, Comment, Sell, MP3, Advertising, Funds, Funding
Well, Hello! I’m glad you could join us at this location and share your thoughts, comment and expertise. My name is Craig. I’m your typical musician who probably like many of you is passionate about music and our talent. My primary instrument is piano. But you may consider your primary instrument to be a record player and are attempting to “scratch” your way into history with considerable Hip-Hop talent. Some of us may have a desire to produce video, which also requires desire, knowledge and expertise. Well I hope that this blog will help us all become better music or video producers.
Let me give you some history about myself to establish why I created this site. At a young age my mother decided that I should take music lessons. We had a Wurlitzer upright in the living room that was in fairly good condition. My mom sang in the Church choir. Luckily, the director of our church’s children’s choir, Mrs. Billings, gave private piano lessons at her house. I soon found myself taking piano lessons from her and enjoyed it!
Time progressed and I graduated high school in 1977. By that time I had studied upright bass, alto, and tenor saxophone and became fond of the new R&B/Funk/Fusion/Disco craze. My mother always said to me, “Make sure you do something else other than music, don’t put all you eggs in one basket”. So I began to study computers after graduating high school. I enjoyed the preciseness of computers and electronic equipment. Then the synthesizer! And I was always fascinated about how someone could come up with a musical idea, produce a record and sell it to people. Of course music video became popular and once again I found another passion.
I’ve been moderately successful in the music business. I have performed in numerous recording sessions, performed at many famous clubs with famous people, and was the general manager for my college TV station. Consequently, I am always striving to better myself and those around me to produce quality material. So, enough about me, what about you? I hope that by joining in these blog discussions, we can help each other by sharing, answering questions and giving advice as it relates to starting, assembling and producing music and/or video.
This is a new blog. So help me get this baby started. Spread the word. Give us your comments and answers. Share your experiences. I’ll be adding links to pertinent information soon. So blog on! Enjoy.